Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A fresh Start

Just a quick update about the last few months, again I am saying sorry for not updating but I spent some time freshening up my blog in hopes to get motivated to keep it up to date.
the first couple of races were not the greatest but I ended up winning the prestigious Muskoka long course. I then did a few hard weeks of training for the National Long course Championships in B.C., I did not race very well but learned a lot. The nest big race I did was Steelhead 70.3 in Michigan where I did race well running within 2 min of Andy Potts for the 2nd fastest of the day. That day I ended locking up a few bones in my foot which did not allow me to go to Nationals, the first one I have missed in 7 years. I decided to take a few days off and went camping with Krystal which was great. I am over the injury now and have put in a couple good weeks getting ready for Muskoka 70.3.

I will let you know how it goes